Friday, August 17, 2012

Learn English or Spanish? Which Is Easier? How to Say I'm In Love in Spanish

Learn English or Spanish? Which Is Easier? How to Say I'm In Love in Spanish

This record may be of interest to anyone who wants to learn English or Spanish. By the way, today you will also learn how to say "I am in love" in Spanish and how to say "love at first sight" in Spanish. I always get into friendly debates here in Colombia about which language easier to learn: English for Latinos or Spanish for Gringos. Of course, I insist that it is easier for us Gringos to learn Spanish. You may be mental "Gee, Patrick, What a Patriot!"

Learn English or Spanish? Which Is Easier? How to Say I'm In Love in Spanish

Learn English or Spanish? Which Is Easier? How to Say I'm In Love in Spanish

Learn English or Spanish? Which Is Easier? How to Say I'm In Love in Spanish

Learn English or Spanish? Which Is Easier? How to Say I'm In Love in Spanish

Learn English or Spanish? Which Is Easier? How to Say I'm In Love in Spanish

Well, the suspect why I insist that it is easier to learn Spanish is because I precisely believe it. I will tell you why. But first, I want to give you the Latin American side of the argument.

Many native Spanish speakers have told me that it is easier to learn English than Spanish because Spanish has so many more words. I can attest to that. The Spanish language by all means; of course has a lot more words than the English language. I know any English grammarian would strongly disagree with me. But they have probably never lived in a Latin American country.

And I am not just talking about the way that Spanish speakers in one country will use words and phrases which are distinct from the words and phrases that Spanish speakers use in someone else country.

Within the same country you will hear Spanish speakers use distinct words and phrases for the same things. But what I find so surprising is that in the Spanish language there are nouns, verbs and adjectives for words where in English we were only blessed with a noun.

Por ejemplo...

Take the Spanish noun "flecha" which means the English word "arrow." In Spanish, not only is there a noun for this word but there's also a verb: flechar

The Spanish verb "flechar" precisely has two meanings:

1.) to injure with arrows
2.) to cause to fall in love

The second definition obviously originates from the story of Cupid. You know, the mischievous, winged child from Roman mythology who was armed with a bow and some arrows. He's the one who was famous for piercing hearts.

Arguably, you can use "arrow" in English as a verb. But that's not how the word "arrow" is usually used in English.

Now think about this...

There are seven simple tenses or moods in Spanish: presente de indicativo, imperfecto de indicativo, pretérito, futuro, potencial simple, presente de subjunctivo, imperfecto de subjunctivo.

And there are seven blend tenses or moods in Spanish: perfecto de indicativo, pluscuamperfecto de indicativo, pretérito anterior, futuro perfecto, potencial compuesto, perfecto de subjunctivo, and pluscuamperfecto de subjunctivo.

So by having a verb for the word "arrow" (flechar), and since there are seven simple tenses and seven blend tenses in Spanish (a total of 14), the Spanish language already has 14 more words than the English language. And 15 if you include the verb "flechar" itself.

And I am just getting started.

Each verb tense has 6 "person" forms:

1. First person single (yo)
2. Second person single (tú )
3. Third person single (usted, él, ella)
4.first person plural (nosotros);
5. Second personal plural (vosotros)

6. Third person plural (ustedes, ellos, etc.).

So if we multiply the 14 tenses time the 6 "person" forms, Spanish already has 84 words that we do not have in English. I am still warming up.

And let's not forget the varied "imperativo" forms: flecha, no fleches, fleche, flechemos, flechen.

Spanish also has other nouns that we don't have in English. Unlike in English, there is a word in Spanish for a injury that was specifically caused by an arrow: flechazo

The word "flechazo" precisely has a more base meaning in Spanish. "Flechazo" also means "enamoramiento súbito" or "love at first sight."

Since there's a verb "flechar" in Spanish, guess what Spanish also has?

You guessed it. There's also an adjective for this word: flechado. Besides the obvious, having to do with an arrow, "flechado" also means to be in love.

There's precisely a favorite song in Spanish called "Flechado EsToy" (I am in love.) And it gets even more complicated. Not only can you say "flechado esToy," you can also say "estoy flechado" in Spanish.

Other than a Shakespearean play, it would sound precisely strange if person said in English "in love I am." And Besides "flechado estoy" or "estoy flechado," person can say "estoy enamorado" in order to say "I am in love."

So that's the side of the discussion that says that it is easier to learn English than Spanish.

Learn English or Spanish? Which Is Easier? How to Say I'm In Love in Spanish

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Formosan Futuro community

Formosan Futuro community

Travellers and photographers in any place are enduringly searching for that unique experience. That unique shot of that unique place that gets the respect and awes from friends and magazine editors. With the ever-expanding tourism industry, these places are becoming harder to find everyday, especially if you aren't friends with a local. Traveling to unfamiliar places, it is easy to carted nearby to the typical tourist sights and being Charged handsomely for it. Getting to those untouched gems off the trail takes investigate and effort. Most of the time, its because of these two requirements these places remain so beautiful in the first place; and make it that much more rewarding for those who undoubtedly get there.

Formosan Futuro community

Formosan Futuro community

Formosan Futuro community

Formosan Futuro community

Formosan Futuro community

Taiwan being an undiscovered gem in East Asia it-self, it is full of these uncharted areas, development it a brilliant destination for those in quest of a unique experience. This weekend I rediscovered one of these destinations in which I've labeled the 'Formosa's Futuro Village'. Below is its colorful story, I hope you enjoy it.


The 1970's was an attractive time for the entire world. New fashion trends, music styles, and lifestyle perspectives were emerging like never before. People not only had ideals now, but the money to buy them as well. Trends were also emerging in the architecture originate industry, attempting to satisfy the thirst of those in quest of a unique home to match their new unique views on life. In an era where it was believed robots and machines will ultimately cure all of humanities inconveniences, a Finnish architect Matti Suuronen designed a new house he christened the 'Futuro'.

This new house was designed to ultimately be the world wide approved of all houses, to enable worldwide travel and living for everyone. Built out of reinforced fiberglass, this 16-piece 'pod' or 'flying saucer' like shape house was designed for easy transport and to be sustainable in any environment. The basic idea was, you buy one house when you live on the beach in Hawaii, and when you want a convert of pace and Move to the Swiss alps to live in a skiing village, you straightforward fly your house over piece by piece to be reconstructed. All that was needed were four concrete pillars as the base, and the house could be placed on top of them, enabling it to be positioned approximately anywhere.

Besides the unique transportable originate of the house, the interior was also designed with ultimate convenience in mind. The living room had a series of reclining chairs, on which People could sit favorably or even pull down n' out to make into sleepers for guests. These chairs were along the outer wall facing the town of the house where the kitchen and bar area were located. This would have made for a great conversational dinning and living room area all in one covenant space. Along the backside of the house, the scholar bedroom and bath were kept tucked away with privacy and intimacy. An attractive environmental petition to this house was that using the electric Heating system, it could go from -20 degrees to 60 degrees Fahrenheit in only 30 minutes. Incredibly sustainable.

Sadly, there were less than 100 of these houses constructed worldwide, which is commonly blamed on the Exxon movable emergency and the dramatic price growth of oil. The domino ensue of the growth made the plastics for these homes more costly to furnish and plainly People began to loose interest. Matti Suuronen dream of a futuristic world with traveling flying saucer houses whizzing through the air under helicopters died hand in hand with his originate in the 1980's.

Business Venture

Before the Futuro's fate ran its policy however, one savvy Taiwanese businessman shared Matti Suuronen's dream and took activity with it.

Mr. Su Ming was a Taiwanese businessman with a vibrant past in the forces during his earlier years. One of his first ventures was a now popular brand of Sarsaparilla soda sold throughout Taiwan. In its beginning days, it wasn't very popular with the local's taste buds and got off to a slow start. However, with the American making ready of forces bases in Taiwan as a post for the great East Asia, western tastes for both culture and foods began to originate in the country. Along with this, Mr. Su Mings' carbonated beverage sales exploded and he established a new factory, becoming a new rich member of high society.

With his new money, Mr. Su Ming was anxious to invest and decided to aim for an up scale store of Taiwanese citizenry shopping for vacation homes. He decided that water sports and beach living were the appeals he needed to generate a beach side society for the high class Taiwanese. With this in mind, he picked out a beautiful beach front location along the North Eastern coast of Taiwan, made a property investment, and began to originate a futuristic housing society filled with Futuro originate houses as well as quadrate shaped beach villas. His store was the super rich of Taiwan, as these beach villas were originally priced at nearby what today is equivalent to ,000 Us Dollars.

Informed by the local property manager, I was told that ultimately investors lost interest and the scheme ran out of money. He explained that many of the investors could afford to go abroad to other exotic locations and private villas, leaving little desire for a straightforward vacation on home turf beach property.

Moreover, in an interview with a local dance teacher at the neighboring spa and hotel, I was informed that the weather conditions of the area were ultimate year round; Summers being unbearably hot, and winters bringing intolerably strong winds and crashing cold waters to the beach. She explained how it was a less than ideal placement for vacation homes and that the neighborhood had been vacant for 20-30+ years.

The current day ensue is the ruins of a once futuristic beach side villa neighborhood, deserted and unsettling, giving us a small window into what was once a successful business mans dream.

Shooting Experience

Transport (travel)

Trying to catch the morning magic hour for the shoot, I headed out nearby 5:00 A.M. To catch the first bus over to the now abandoned beach resort. This was only potential because Taipei's transportation principles is resilient, development life easy for those who choose to avoid the danger of driving scooters in the hectic traffic. Winding through the mountains and Watching while the scenery changed from high rise apartments to jungle covered green hillsides and temples, I couldn't help but begin to appreciate how easy it was to get out of the mess in Taiwan. In only about an hour, I was already coastline. Dslr and tripod in hand, I got off the coach and spotted the first Futuro.


The morning was overcast, as it normally is on the Taiwan coastlines, which brought a whole new feeling to the scenario. With rolling grey clouds, dispersed sunLight, and the Futuro house on approach, I felt like I was undoubtedly about to be abducted. The eerie weather and abandoned structures undoubtedly worked well together, giving me a hair-raising sense that I should get in, shoot, and get out.

While wandering through the planned society lined streets, the color contrasts and random objects of the ruins presented an fantastic window to into the past. All of the Futuro style homes were whether a dull orange or faded Light yellow color, indicating their age and rough past life. There were rust stains running down the sides of each home resembling bleeding scars caused by years and years of the harsh environment pounding down on them. The wind canopy's steel poles on each of the quadrate homes front porch had been mangled by the intense winds, as if they were pipe cleaners bent by a child.

Overgrown, most of the homes had clearly been deserted for a long time. Remarkably however, there were still some in which had rusted padlocks on the doors, television sets inside, and appeared to still be inhabited. This gave me the sense I was in some sort of abandoned town nightmare film and continually checked the shadows to ensure there was nothing creeping behind me to put an axe in my back.

I did venture into a few of the homes that weren't barricaded with wooden pole and barbed wire locks for a better look. I found Japanese influenced tatami rooms, twin beds with sheets still on them, and even toothbrushes alongside a bottle of head and shoulders shampoo in one bathroom.

Kitchens with stoves, refrigerators, and air-conditioning units still hung on the wall all screamed at the modernity the entire scheme was aimed at back then. What I did find quite appealing, was that in front of the beachfront quadrate villas, and underneath many of the Futuro designed homes, there were tables and seating along with barbeque pits and gardens. It resembled what I thought of as a camp ground, where families could get together and cook surface to enjoy nature and the business of their loved ones. An attractive discrepancy of feelings and mood for such a place.

Overall, the energy was a bizarre mix of ultimate creepiness countered by that of an feeling that it undoubtedly could have been a very pleasant society to live in had it succeeded. The villas interior originate along with the quaintness of the society could have been a very nice place for a camping vacation getaway right only a short drive from the capital.

Lessons & EnLightenment

The beach side villas established by Mr. Su Ming contribute a unique and attractive view into the past of Taiwan and world trends in general. The place is a not-to-miss opportunity for any tourist or photographer arrival to Taiwan searching for a one of a kind sight. Fortunately, it has so far been able to avoid the bulldozer, unlike its unlucky West coast brother Pod Houses in SanZhi, but its impossible to know when their day will finally be numbered.

Just a short time out of Taipei, it also is a nice reminder of how staggering of a travel destination Taiwan is. Being one of the undiscovered gems of the east, Taiwan's scenery and culture remains rich and unique, yet the modernity of the country makes it all very accessible. The undiscovered Futuro settlement of Taiwan is an fantastic travel contact and I would extremely advise it as a day trip for those who are concerned in a place that is off the beaten path, has a unique and rich story, and is all in a very photogenic package.

Formosan Futuro community

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

insight How History Affects Our present and future

insight How History Affects Our present and future

Growing up in grade school, we probably did not appreciate the richness of what a good history lesson legitimately teaches us. As we live our day to day lives, we too, are creating history- which is why it is so leading to know and be complicated in what is taking place politically, economically, nationally, locally, and any other leading area to you personally. Possibly by focusing on history, one can realize how personal study and knowledge of events can truly make a disagreement in society. Learning current events along with its history can help us understand three things specifically.

insight How History Affects Our present and future

insight How History Affects Our present and future

insight How History Affects Our present and future

insight How History Affects Our present and future

insight How History Affects Our present and future

History helps us understand our current situations with a more reasonable eye. We can see how human behavior has affected singular situations. It allows us to own accountability for our own actions as we see results play out from lessons learned before us. This is a mighty tool in inspiring send for the better. Conservative news sites offer a slew of informational articles that correspond to the history of some other event. Learning these will help one be more ready for the future as well.

As we study history, compared to our current situations, we invite new insight to community and people, and the manner in which both were established. This is leading as history is society's only key to holding the data of evidence on how community functions. With times and society's all the time changing, history is the only experiment there is to go off of. Those who take it, personalize it, and learn from it will be closer to problem-solving and looking solutions than those who do not.

The study of history helps us find identity and moral understanding. looking how past experiences were handled helps us to examine our own moral paths. The lack of identity leads to a frailness in the ability to use moral insight to cope a situation.

To teach by example is a common phrase we hear that applies perfectly to insight history and Learning from it to advantage our current situations.

insight How History Affects Our present and future

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to Learn How to See the time to come - My Top Tip For Developing Real Psychic Power

How to Learn How to See the time to come - My Top Tip For Developing Real Psychic Power

In this report I'm going to cover a great tip for developing psychic Powers and the magical and mysterious skill of practical clairvoyance. Many of us Long to tap into the same stream of sensational skills that so many illustrious psychics, mediums and clairvoyants ordinarily seem to access, and in my Personal experience, anyone can learn how to cultivate these very same skills. So continue reading as I share my top tip for developing psychic Powers of your own. Read on..:-)

How to Learn How to See the time to come - My Top Tip For Developing Real Psychic Power

How to Learn How to See the time to come -  My Top Tip For Developing Real Psychic Power

How to Learn How to See the time to come - My Top Tip For Developing Real Psychic Power

How to Learn How to See the time to come - My Top Tip For Developing Real Psychic Power

How to Learn How to See the time to come - My Top Tip For Developing Real Psychic Power

Timeline Intuition

This is a great tool for learning to "map" your future by naturally intuiting the past. It's a bit involved to tell in one short paragraph, but the vital theory is this: Our lives are, for the most part, pre-determined along a series or sequence of inherent choices, and their consequential outcomes. Much of this is laid out as part and parcel of your "karma" so to speak, and the choices you make a long the path are fundamentally yours, and yours alone. (which lead to either soul amelioration or regression) By finding back at your past choices, the foremost can map out a series of 7-10 foremost crossroads that you met, and you can track your current state of awareness (or life situation) Directly from which selection you made at each of those seemingly odd forks.

future Extrapolation

You then take the very same thought process and apply it to the mapping of future forks that are upcoming (some schools teach that there are 21 major decisions we will each make in this lifetime) and by doing so, you are able to effectively intuit, or "see" (and feel) a very predictable future. It sounds harder than it me, it's not only a Blast to do, it's very accurate, incredibly entertaining, and truly Illuminating as a lens by which to look at your own higher purpose, and how to get there in a hurry! (even if it means Backtracking a bit to get there..:-)

How to Learn How to See the time to come - My Top Tip For Developing Real Psychic Power

Visit : Rechargeable Batteries | Green Battery Chargers | Thumb Brace Hand Brace for Trigger Thumb

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Types of Elliptical Trainers

Types of Elliptical Trainers

There are many distinct types of elliptical trainers and elliptical trainer designs on the market. As these exercise machines come to be more popular, manufacturers will endeavor to establish new and supposedly better machines to capitalize on the expanding demand. Because of the various models on the market, it can be a exiguous breathtaking to hunt for just the right elliptical trainer. Here is a run down on the various types of trainers on the market.

Types of Elliptical Trainers

Types of Elliptical Trainers

Types of Elliptical Trainers

Types of Elliptical Trainers

Types of Elliptical Trainers

There are three drive systems ready for elliptical trainers: front drive, rear drive, and center drive. Within these main categories are added sub-categories, including adjustable amble and adjustable appeal trainers. If you've used an elliptical trainer in a gym, then you have probably used the rear drive elliptical. Rear drive elliptical trainers were the first type of elliptical trainers in gyms and clubs. They still dominate the gyms, mainly because they contribute a very level workout. They are also the most costly type on the market, and can cost as much as three thousand dollars.

There are a growing whole of front drive elliptical trainers on the market because front drive trainers are more generic. In fact, it is easier for Treadmill manufacturers to enter the elliptical market with front drive As a result, front drive trainers are much economy than their rear drive counterparts.

The individual's weight is centered in the middle of the machine on center drive elliptical trainers. These are relatively new to the market, and so it remains to be seen if they are an allembracing improvement.

Types of Elliptical Trainers

Friends Link : Rechargeable Batteries | Green Battery Chargers | Thumb Brace

Monday, February 20, 2012

manufacture Plans For Your time to come Success

manufacture Plans For Your time to come Success

"Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true."

manufacture Plans For Your time to come Success

manufacture Plans For Your time to come Success

manufacture Plans For Your time to come Success

manufacture Plans For Your time to come Success

manufacture Plans For Your time to come Success

Lester R. Bittel (b.1918), American writer

I was mental recently that life revolves nearby production plans, either we are conscious of it or not. As a family, the Harpers are full of excitement, as we have booked a family holiday (very rare) to Orlando in the autumn. We are full of plans about where we will stay, what we will do while we're there, and even what kind of food we'd like to eat (I love Mexican food!). It has given us something to look transmit to and it helps to brighten our mood in the rather miserable weather we've been having.

Have you considered, however, that often we're not conscious of how much planning goes into every day? We automatically plan what we will eat and drink throughout the day (even if it's by following our taste buds rather than our body's requirements!), we plan what to wear (even if it doesn't all the time look like it!), we plan how to get from one place to an additional one and sometimes we are planning whole conversations in our heads! We make plans for today, tomorrow and some of us even plan for the future. Without plans what would we do? What would we be?

How do you think the most victorious people plan? Haphazardly? Or do you think they are clear about where they want to go and make well thought-out plans about how they are going to get there. Have you belief beyond today, or tomorrow? Where do you want to be in five years, ten years, even twenty years' time? Have you legitimately belief about it? Have you planned how you will get to that point or are you going to bumble along hoping you'll reach your goal? Isn't it time you sat down and thought about thought about your hereafter and started to make some plans?

What are your goals? Do you know? Have you legitimately tried to look to your future? dream yourself on your death-bed. Look back over your life. What would you have liked to have achieved? What do you want to be known for? Write it down. Now is the time to make plans to perform those things. What can you do today to Move you towards that goal? What can you do this week? Next week and beyond? Make plans and carry them through.

Maybe you had got as far as making some plans, but somehow they don't get carried out. What do you think is the reason? Could it be that you are afraid? What if you do what you planned and things went wrong? Well, there are no guarantees that all will go according to plan, but if you don't try you won't ever know, will you? And if something goes wrong, what can you take away from the experience? A chapter in how Not to do it next time, perhaps?

Planning is all about you and your future. It may have to fit into the long-term aims of an additional one unit (family, firm etc), but the plans you make should sit well with you. They could be generated from that unit, by more than one person, but all the people involved should be in deal with what is being proposed otherwise the commitment level of the unit will be uncertain. Make sure that you are at ease with group plans which involve you.

Many plans have been made because we think we ought to do something, rather than because we are convinced it is the right thing for us. Often we just go with the flow. This is your life, so take operate of it. Do you want to do this thing? Yes? Then be 100% definite about it. If not, ask yourself why. What needs to convert for you to be won over? It may be a non-starter for you, or maybe something just needs to be tweaked.

What one new thing can you do each day that will Move you forward? It could be a call or note to someone you have heard of, but never met. It could be enrolling in a new policy of study to help you build up your skills and qualifications. What do you need to learn to assist you in achieving your long-term plans?

Plans without action will never lead to anything. Take your first step along the path to achieving what you want. Planning doesn't have to be dull and boring. Get creative! The more excited you are by the process, as well as the follow-through, the more likely you are to carry out those plans. Be inventive! Be inspired! Be ground-breaking, if necessary!

What is the cost? Planning will cost you time and brain-Power. To make those plans become reality the outlay is likely to be time, endeavor and action. If that leads to you realizing your goals then legitimately the expenditure is worth it? Happy Planning!

manufacture Plans For Your time to come Success

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Monday, January 23, 2012

A Fear and a Dream (In English and Spanish)

A Fear and a Dream (In English and Spanish)

English Version

A Fear and a Dream (In English and Spanish)

A Fear and a Dream (In English and Spanish)

A Fear and a Dream (In English and Spanish)

A Fear and a Dream (In English and Spanish)

A Fear and a Dream (In English and Spanish)

A Fear and a Dream

A Story of Inspiration and Determination

((Regional Swimming Champion) (in five parts))

A Story based on actual events, using the persons real name...

Part One

The Post Office

(The Winter of 2002)

(Winter of 2002, St. Paul, Minnesota, Usa) Those who saw her descend from the large U. S. Mail Truck off 4th Street, in the inner-city down by the Mississippi River, on the chilly morning of December 22, saw a short woman (four-foot eleven inches tall), a minuscule stiff from the cold, with a bronze Peruvian face, and a cute smile that stretch from each corner of her mouth, and approximately pure dark-brown hair, that looked to be more black, than dark-brown.

"A considered minuscule driver," someone said, out of the group standing outside the post office, eating their lunch, smoking cigarettes. They were remarking about her size and estimation to drive a big truck, that normally only men drove, she was a post office carrier, only having learned how to drive a year earlier, at the ripe old age of forty-three years old. The men that had never saw her before-this being her first month driving-thought there was something inaccurate with their eyes; because of so many people, men and women too, in the state of Minnesota driving mail trucks. So they Watched her go on about her business, with a grunt, strained eyes, yet purposeful as she vanished into the large front seat of her truck, with one big pillow behind her to reserve her back, and push her send a half foot, and an additional one big pillow under her to bring her up to the steering wheel, and arranged the seat to allow her short feet to reach the gas pedal. And then they left to do their work, and maybe understanding about it minuscule more, knowing they'd see her around. And that was all of that.

And those who saw this minuscule beauty, in the post office a year after she drove those big trucks, saw her as one of the main tellers, a job that required six-years working at the post office-not one, plus, sharp skills in math and social skills dealing with the public, a job that needed a someone to know two languages, but not a requirement (because she was one of the few, very few that filled that needed-prerequisite), and she'd Move big bags of mail, dragging them here and there when not working as a teller, and in time a very short time, promoted, and receiving for reply, the workers glare she didn't expect, but envy and jealousy, penetrates deep, especially in the indolent, but to those doing the glaring and complaining-the superiors put it to rest very quickly, put them into a second-class status, saying, her skills were far above theirs. That made things all right; victory had been done twice, for this non American, in the breadbasket of America, who was working with a working permit, married to an American, had all her requirements fulfilled to be an American, and who (in the year of 2004) at the age of forty-five years old started a sport that would convert her life-(that would take fear and replace it with a dream), she would be called secretly by many-during those days, "A late bloomer!"

Part Two
A Journey to Minnesota

(January, 1998, to October, 2009)

For a good many years Rosa Peñaloza (her second last name would be added onto that, in 2000, development it Rosa Peñaloza de Siluk) had worked in Lima, Peru, at a telephone company-fifteen-years-to be exact, was a degreed accountant, and with all her spare time, was a devoted Catholic, working for her parish Church, free. Never married, taking care of five families ((at times her mother and father along with her sisters and brother-in-laws and their children, plus a maid with two Kids, all living in her house, living under her roof, for several years, as she was the most steadily employed) (coming from a house of eight children)).

Her mother had told her-she was approaching middle-age and unmarried-something to ponder. The local parish minister wanted her to be a nun, something else to ponder. outside her firm and church hours, she made time for her nieces and nephews (who were possible under a hardship, and would have been under more of a hardship had she not taken them in under her wing)-she made their time a continual and piquant childhood for each and everyone.

These are minuscule fluttering tag-like ends of her personal history, which seems as I look back, are plainly leaking out as I write, important up to the present-which will be the championship.

Her own thinking, talks, things she can only remember, or had imagined, were never quite completely told to me by her (being her husband), thus, I have used fragments to catch up, or to bring up her life to the gift day, fragments tossed in the air as by a wind and then instantly dropped somewhere, someplace.

She was laughing heartily now, at her minuscule successes, during those years. She had married in 2000, met her husband in 1999 (had been talked into taking a trip to America, Disneyland, by her mother, so she could enjoy life before she was put into her grave-and had been given a procedure in English, a birthday gift by her brother David, for anyone reasons, I never knew-had met him (her husband to be) at the airport in Atlanta, and that in itself is a story by itself) while he was on a trip to Peru. For this reason, she would leave Peru, to live with her hereafter husband in Minnesota (prior to this they met in Guatemala to see the old ruins called Tikal for one week) and then they were married two weeks later; there was an element of sadness among her family, but also elation for her. Asked by a few of her friends "How can you take such a opening and marry a stranger, of sorts?" she replied, "Why would God give me a bad man?" And that was that.

She walked off the airplane, and walked onto the cold ground of Minnesota in February, of 2000, going send a minuscule unsteadily, life had not yet expressed itself fully for her, by all means; of course in her mind, and for three of those six years she would live in Minnesota, she she'd roll about awkwardly.

At any rate, for her a second life had just begun. She would tour the world eleven-times; get her car license, a permit to carry a gun (an scholar shot). She plunged again and again into the unknown, run her husband's tenant apartment business, helped with the taxes, and did the maintenance on the six buildings they now owned together and sent money to Lima to keep up their home there, and had a crew of five men to contain one woman, who rebelled against her being a female boss. "You wait," her husband said, "I'll talk to the employees (to contain his daughter, and son-in-law);" and he approached all of them, said in his stern voice, "If you can't work for my wife, you can't work for me!" Thus, that settled the issue of equal rights.

Hang on now, and you'll see now what happened.

Part Three
Belly of the Camel

From time to time, her husband started to learn, his wife, Rosa was terrified of water (not bottled water, but swimming in particular, the ocean, lakes, rivers, pools, anyplace a someone could drown.) When he had taken her to Rio de Janeiro, on the most preponderant beach in the world, Copa Cabana, and he was in, what might be considered, shallow water, maybe up to his wife's elbows, she panicked and started screaming and tried pulling him out of the water, as a great wave was forthcoming, one she didn't see, but he saw. Once the wave struck, her husband ready for it, picked her up with his right arm, in a loop nearby her waist, dug his feet into the sand, in karate like stance-firm, and withstood the onslaught of the wave, had he not picked her up, she, and all her 110-pounds would have been gone out to sea.

He tried to laugh at the situation, but did not succeed very well; it was a serious thing for her.

(Now that I am writing of my wife, I maybe am not development a comfortable likeness of her. It maybe I overdo, or under do the notes of her life, but it is as I see it, and saw it, I am unable to temperament, or review it in her own account, since I am writing this in secret, and without her advise as I have often got when doing my writings-thus leaving all bias out. For one thing, she can be more cleaver than I give her reputation for, and I seem to be development her out, simpler.

On many evenings I have spent with her, she was silent, and maybe a minuscule dull-or I was a minuscule dull, she'd fall to sleep quickly, and of all the movies we Watched, let's say 1000-in the years we were married, nine-years plus, she fell to sleep through 850 of them; and I'd read and write, and for many hours I did this, that's why, she'd walk away awkwardly (if she was not sleeping, or knitting) alone and along, doing something to break this boredom (I being twelve-years her senior), she'd finally find other things to do; at times, catch a cab, go shopping, etc.

My life was very active, had been very active prior to me becoming her husband (up to my heart strike and stroke, in 1993-94, and acquiring my neurological disease Ms, in 1996...) and for a spell it became less active, and then as I improved, it became more active again, but never as active as it had been-if that makes sense; especially while in my youth, now in Rosa's later years she had become newly active...but nothing in the long run of our lives had been dull, or inactive for very long, to the contrary. I had found out, what maybe she never knew, something she kept a harness on, a yoke around: she was locked in a bottle, and once opened, she was put into a large room-figuratively speaking-and it would be a hopeless affair to stop her now, it surely was the summer of her life, life trickling down her back, there was nothing she couldn't do, once she put her mind to it! And anyone she did, she did it well, and complete.)

We were talking about swimming-were we not, and her fear of it, and water in general? I had understanding she had given up the struggle to deal with her fear of swimming that she would run aimlessly through the earth's land mass, and jump over those water holes as life went on. But evidently I was wrong; her mind must have been striving to conquer water in all its drowning forms. She tried to swim in a swimming pool while in a four-star hotel in Copan, Honduras, she failed when she saw a frog in the water-of all things, it even maddened me to a point I criticized her, and I seldom have in the past made fun of her in any form, for there is nothing to criticize her for, and I apologized somewhere down the road I think for that. maybe in this one area of life, she was plainly stumbling in the half darkness.

During the summer of 2004, she started taking swimming lessons from an Olympic Champion, in St. Paul, Minnesota, 0-dollars an hour. It had turned out disastrous. Oh she learned a thing or two in those six-months (the fear factor had faded sLightly), and two-thousand dollars later, but she could not go into water any deeper than her knees, or turn about in the water, or dive, or do much of anyone but swim (which in itself was a small and God given accomplishment)-Lightly swim, as long as she could see the lowest of the pool with the naked eye. Swimming under water was out of the question. If anything, she had broken the first straw on the camels back, but the camel didn't fall yet. The death of the camel-symbolically speaking-would take some more years.

After that, and in the fall of 2006, her and her husband came to Peru, having a home in Lima, and one in the Andes, within the city of Huancayo. She was trying hard to adjust to her new environment; she had loved the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, and missed her disastrous swimming lessons.

Up to the very occasion when it would happen-breaking the camel to its knees, it looked to her husband that swimming was out of the hereafter equation, as far as anyone significant, but the issue kept arising; however she had saved some money and she sought out an additional one location in Lima for swimming and lessons (a last try from her husband, whom suggested she take it an inch at a time, instead of a foot at a time, which I suppose he had previously expected, he thus, wiped out all expectations of her, and told her to plainly go and enjoy it), and the owner of the local pool, happened to be an Olympic swimming champion. Accordingly, she had been lead to two Olympic champions, and henceforward, she took a new undertaking, now she would break the camel's back, and it would drop to its belly not to its knees.

Part Four
The Late Bloomer

In the following eight-months, swimming became a very warm, and comfortable, and nice sport for Rosa. She would go swimming even if it was cold and rainy outside. It seemed at the time, as if the death of the camel had drawn her closer together with her once fear of the water. maybe both the water and Rosa felt it, maybe Rosa being the more conscious of it; that pleased me at the time. And in time it would even come to the point, she'd go swimming in the evenings.

In Huancayo, she sought out two swimming locations, and did one in the mornings and one in the evenings (sometimes twice a day, at other times, a dissimilar one each day), and had conquered most of her fears-she could now dive well, pretty well, and by the first of October, 2009, she could do her flip-turns under the water, quite well, and swim 29-laps, Olympic swimming pool laps, she had durability galore. She could do such swimming techniques as the: front crawl, back stroke, breaststroke and a minuscule bit of the butterfly, and then came the camel again, back broken and all-for there still remained a deep water fear (but it didn't stop her, she was swimming under the water, fearsomely swimming), and her professors (or instructors), along with her coach for the nearing competition, Edson Azaña, at both pools told her, "You're going to be in the next regional championship, in November," a month away; she was now fifty-years old, competitive against hard boned youth with agility, and reflexes to match.

It was a wonder to me how this woman could keep seeing forward, burying defeat all along the way-in everyway, even when her fear was at its height, with its loud voice, she never once screamed defeat, she told herself, and she told me "I can't quite, I can't give up..." even when the devil was in the corner saying: 'You can't do it,' she screamed back, evidently silently, "Watch and see!"

And now for the last part of this story, 'The Championship' (to be continued) ...

Note.- I want to thanks on profit of my wife to the instructors (and swimming pools): in Usa, to Beth Peterson, Olympic Champion, from the Ywca; in Lima, Peru: Cabana, Miguel, Willy and Luis from the Juana Alarco; Atilio and Reynaldo from Ernesto Domenack (Olimpic Champion); in Huancayo, Peru: Omar Chavez from the Aquatic Park and Johnny Roca from the Juan Bosco Swimming Pools, and to the coach Edson Azaña from the Aquatic Park for training my wife for the competition.

Written 10-14-2009/No: 492

Spanish Version

(Versión en Español)

Un Temor y un Sueño
Una Historia de Inspiración y Determinación

Una Historia basada en hechos reales, usando el nombre verdadero de la persona...

Parte Uno
La Oficina de Correos

(Invierno del 2002)

(Invierno del 2002, San Pablo, Minnesota, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica) Aquellos que la vieron descender del camión grande de la Oficina de Correos, en la Calle 4 por el río Mississippi, en el centro de la ciudad, en la mañana fría del 22 de diciembre, vieron a una mujer baja de estatura (1.50 m.) un poco agarrotada por el frío, con una cara bronceada y una bonita sonrisa que se estiraba a cada lado de su boca, y con cabellos castaño oscuro, que parecían más bien negro, ella era peruana.

"Una pequeña chofer decidida" alguien, del grupo parado afuera de la oficina de correos, dijo, comiendo sus almuerzos, fumando cigarrillos. Ellos estaban comentando sobre su estatura y su decisión a manejar ese camión grande, que generalmente lo manejaban los hombres; ella era una empleada de la oficina de correos, y había aprendido a manejar sólo un año antes, a la edad madura de cuarenta y tres años. Los hombres que nunca la habían visto antes-siendo éste su primer mes de trabajo-pensaron que había algo erróneo con sus ojos, debido a tanta gente, hombres y mujeres también, en el estado de Minnesota manejando los camiones de la oficina de correos. Así ellos la vieron, murmurando, con ojos nerviosos, aunque con atención, la vieron ocuparse de su trabajo, mientras desaparecía en el asiento grande de su camión, con un cojín detrás de ella para soportar su espalda y empujarla quince centímetros adelante, y otro cojín grande en su asiento para levantarla hacia el timón, habiendo arreglado el asiento para permitir que sus pequeños pies alcanzaran los pedales. Y después ellos se fueron a trabajar, y talvez pensaron un poquito más sobre esto, sabiendo que la verían a ella alrededor.

Y aquellos que vieron a esta pequeña belleza en la oficina de correos, manejando esos camiones grandes un año atrás, la vieron como una de las principales cajeras, un trabajo que requería de seis años de experiencia en la oficina de correos-no uno, además, de grandes habilidades en matemáticas y habilidades en tratar con el público, un trabajo que requería de una persona bilingüe, aunque no un requisito (ella era una de las pocas, muy pocas que llenaban esos prerrequisitos necesarios). Ella Movería grandes paquetes de correspondencia, jalándolos de aquí para allá cuanto no estaba trabajando como cajera, y en muy poco tiempo, fue ascendida, y recibió por respuesta la mirada amarga de sus compañeros, que ella no lo esperaba, pero la envidia y los celos, penetraban muy profundo, especialmente en el indolente; pero para aquellos que miraban amargados, con envidia y quejándose-los jefes los tranquilizaron muy rápidamente, poniéndolos a ellos en una categoría de segunda clase, diciéndoles que las habilidades de ella eran muy superiores a las de ellos. Esto hizo que las cosas estuvieran bien; la victoria se había cumplido dos veces en esta no americana, en el corazón de Norteamérica, quien estaba trabajando con un permiso de trabajo, casada con un americano; ella había cumplido con todos los requisitos para ser una ciudadana americana, y quien (en el año 2004) a la edad de cuarenta y cinco años empezaría un deporte que cambiaría su vida (que sacaría sus temores y los reemplazaría con un sueño), ella sería llamada por muchos-en secreto, durante aquellos días-"Un florecer tardío".

Parte Dos
Un Viaje a Minnesota

(Enero de 1998 a Octubre del 2009)

Por muchos buenos años, Rosa Peñaloza (su nombre sería cambiado en el año 2000, a Rosa Peñaloza de Siluk) había trabajado en la compañía de teléfonos en Lima, Perú-quince años, para ser más exactos-ella era una contadora y una católica devota que en todo su tiempo libre trabajaba gratis para su iglesia. Nunca se había casado, haciéndose cargo de casi cinco familias ((en ese tiempo su madre, su padre junto con sus hermanas, cuñados y cuñadas, sobrinos, más una empleada con dos hijos, todos viviendo bajo el mismo techo en su casa por muchos años, ya que ella era la que tenía un trabajo permanente) (y venía de una familia de ocho hijos)).

Su madre le había dicho que ella se estaba aproximando a una edad madura y soltera-algo en qué pensar. El sacerdote de la iglesia quería que ella fuera monja-algo más en qué pensar. Fuera de su trabajo e iglesia, ella hacía tiempo para ocuparse de sus sobrinas y sobrinos-haciendo de sus tiempos una animada infancia para cada uno y todos.

Estas son como pequeñas etiquetas de su historia personal, que parecerían, mientras miro atrás, estar simplemente goteando mientras escribo, dirigiéndose al presente-que será el campeonato. Sus propios pensamientos, conversaciones, cosas que ella sólo puede recordar, o haberse imaginado, nunca me fueron completamente dichas por ella (siendo yo su esposo), así, he usado fragmentos para coger o traer su vida al presente día, fragmentos lanzados en el aire como por un viento y luego arrojados abruptamente en algún lugar.

Ella ahora estaba riendo con gusto, por su pequeño éxito, durante aquellos años. Ella se había casado en el año 2000, había conocido a su futuro esposo en 1999 en el aeropuerto de Atlanta, mientras él iba en un viaje a Perú. Por esta razón ella dejaría Perú, para reunirse con su futuro esposo en Minnesota, Estados Unidos, y dos semanas más tarde ellos se casarían.

Ella bajo del avión y caminó en el suelo frío de Minnesota en Febrero del 2000, yendo adelante un poquito temblorosa, la vida no se había manifestado totalmente para ella, y tres de los seis años en que ella viviría en Minnesota, serían difíciles para ella.

En todo caso, para ella, una segunda vida acababa de empezar. Ella viajaría once veces alrededor del mundo, obtendría su licencia para conducir, un permiso para portar armas (una tiradora experta). Ella saltaría de nuevo y de nuevo en lo desconocido; ella administraba el negocio de arrendamiento de propiedades de su esposo, lo ayudaba con los impuestos, y se encargaba del mantenimiento de los seis edificios que, ahora, ellos tenían juntos, también enviaba dinero a Lima para el mantenimiento de su casa allí, y tenía un equipo de seis personas a su cargo, la mayoría hombres incluyendo a una mujer, quienes se rebelaron en contra de ella por ser una jefa mujer. "Tú espera", su esposo le dijo, "hablaré con los empleados", y él se dirigió a todos ellos, dijo con una voz severa, "¡Si ustedes no pueden trabajar para mi esposa, entonces no pueden trabajar para mi!". Así, se arregló el problema de igualdad de derechos.

Ahora espera, y verás lo que pasó.

Parte Tres
Barriga del Camello

Con el tiempo su esposo empezó a aprender, que su esposa Rosa, tenía terror al agua (no al agua en botella, sino a nadar en particular, al océano, a los lagos, ríos, piscinas, cualquier lugar en el que una persona podría ahogarse).

Estuvimos hablando acerca de nadar- ¿cierto? Y el temor a esto, y al agua en general. Pensé que ella se había rendido en la lucha para vencer el temor a nadar y que ella correría sin dirección a través de la tierra, y que saltaría sobre aquellos charcos de agua mientras la vida continuaba. Pero evidentemente estaba equivocado; su mente estaba luchando por conquistar al agua en todas sus formas. Ella trató de nadar en una piscina de un hotel cuatro estrellas en Copan, Honduras, pero ella fracasó cuando vio a una rana en el agua-de todas las cosas, esto incluso me molestó muchísimo al punto que la critiqué, y nunca lo había hecho antes, porque no hay nada de que criticarla, y en algún momento me disculpe con ella por esto. Talvez en esta área de la vida, ella estaba simplemente tropezando en medio de la oscuridad.

Durante el verano del 2004, ella empezó a tomar clases de natación con una campeona olímpica, en San Pablo, Minnesota, costaba cien dólares la hora. Esto resultó desastroso. ¡Ah! ella aprendió algunas cosas en esos seis meses (el factor temor se había disIpado ligeramente y dos mis dólares), pero ella no podía entrar en el agua que estuviera más arriba de sus rodillas, ni darse vueltas, ni clavados, sólo nadar, ligeramente nadar, siempre y cuando ella pudiera ver el fondo de la piscina a easy vista. Nadar bajo el agua era imposible. Si había algo, era que ella había roto la primera paja de la giba del camello, pero el camello no se había caído todavía. La muerte del camello-hablando figurativamente-tomaría lugar algunos años más.

Luego de ello, en el otoño del 2006, ella y su esposo vinieron a Perú, teniendo una casa en Lima y otra en Los Andes, en la ciudad de Huancayo. Ella estaba tratando duro de acostumbrarse a su nuevo ambiente; a ella le había gustado mucho la ciudad de San Pablo, Minnesota, y extrañaba sus desastrosas clases de natación.

Hasta el mismo momento cuando esto ocurrió-doblar al camello a sus rodillas-le pareció a su esposo que la natación estaba fuera de una futura ecuación, en lo que respectaba a algo significante, pero el tema seguía surgiendo; sin embargo, ella había ahorrado algo de dinero y buscó un lugar en Lima para nadar y tomar clases (un último intento de su esposo, quien sugirió que lo tomara pulgada por pulgada, en vez de pie por pie, que supongo él previamente lo había hecho; él, así, borró todas las expectativas de ella, y le dijo simplemente que fuera y disfrutara). Y sucedió que el dueño de la piscina era un campeón olímpico en natación. Por consiguiente, ella había sido dirigida por dos campeones olímpicos, y en el futuro, ella tomaría una nueva responsabilidad, ahora ella rompería la giba del camello, y este caería en su estómago no sólo sobre sus rodillas.

Parte Cuatro
Un Florecer Tardío

En los siguientes ocho meses, la natación se convirtió en un cálido, cómodo, y bonito deporte para Rosa. Ella iría a nadar incluso si hacía frío o estaba lloviendo. En ese tiempo parecería, como si la muerte del camello la habría acercado más cerca con su, una vez, temor al agua. Talvez ambos, el agua y Rosa lo sentían, talvez Rosa era la más consciente de esto; esto me complacía. Y con el tiempo incluso llegaría al punto de que ella iría a nadar en las tardes.

En Huancayo, ella buscó dos piscinas, en la que iba a nadar un día en las mañanas a una y al siguiente día en las tardes a la otra, y había conquistado casi todos sus temores-ahora ella podía hacer clavados muy bien, y para el primero de octubre del 2009, ella podía darse la vuelta olímpica bajo el agua, nadar 29 vueltas en piscinas olímpicas, ella tenía resistencia a montones. Ella podía nadar, estilo libre, espalda, pecho y un poco de mariposa; y luego, el camello viene de nuevo, con la espalda rota y todo-porque todavía permanecía el temor al agua profunda (pero esto no la detuvo a ella, ella estaba nadando bajo el agua) y sus profesores o instructores en ambas piscinas, junto con su entrenador para la competencia cercana, Edson Azaña, le dijeron: "tú vas a estar en la próxima competencia regional de natación, en noviembre", a un mes; ella ahora tenía cincuenta años de edad, e iba a competir con personas más jóvenes,

Era un asombro para mi ver cómo esta mujer continuaba adelante, enterrando derrotas a lo largo del camino-en todas las formas, incluso cuando su temor estaba en su máximo, ella nunca gritó derrota, ella se dijo a si misma, y me lo dijo: "No puedo dejarlo, no puedo rendirme..." incluso cuando el diablo estaba en la esquina diciéndole: "tú no puedes hacerlo", ella le gritaba respondiéndole, evidentemente silenciosamente, "Observa y verás".


A Fear and a Dream (In English and Spanish)

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